One of the benefits of using GRITS is accessing the Library, which contains data for nearly 4,000 completed sustainability projects from other GRITS users. Clicking into the Library brings up a table that displays some of the key data points for each project: its name, the institution that implemented it, project type (e.g. lighting), project cost, annual return on investment, and annual carbon/energy/water/waste savings. All non-profit GRITS users can access this information and use the many Library filters to learn about the work undertaken in certain building types, in particular locations, and even by specific peer institutions. But only those with a GRITS subscription could click into each project to access all of its details–until now.
A new feature in GRITS allows those with partial access to the Library–all those using the free version of the platform–to have full access to four projects each month. Users with free accounts can now get the full story about the projects that catch their attention. If you have partial access to the Library, you will see your remaining project views for the month at the top of the page. As long as views are remaining, each project name in the Library will be linked to its Project Details page. This page displays all of the data that users see for their own projects, including the full project description, all public attachments, unit prices and annual unit savings for each resource, and all of the project’s financial metrics.
Access to other GRITS users’ projects also allows those with free accounts to take advantage of the GRITS Connect feature, which introduces two users via email when one reaches out to discuss a project of interest and their counterpart accepts the request.
We hope that all users with a free GRITS account will take advantage of their new access to the wealth of information in the Library!